Custom prefabricated utility rooms
Our custom prefabricated utility rooms are insulated, so that whatever is stored inside has some protection from the elements.
Our prefabricated utility rooms can be used outdoors in the elements or inside where required.
Our Custom Prefabricated Utility Rooms
Calroy Refrigeration offer some great insulated, customisable utility rooms (prefabricated rooms). These rooms can be used for many purposes. Some of our clients have installed our utility rooms for uses such as a:
- garden shed;
- telecommunications room;
- remote lockable shed;
- server room (needs ventilation); and
- first aid stations.
By utility room we don’t mean a laundry room as out British friends call it! Although you could use our utility room as a makeshift laundry if you so require. In our context, a utility room is generally where equipment that’s not used in day to day activity is stored. However, a utility room can be used for various other applications.

Sizing and specifications
Calroy’s utility rooms can be made to the customer’s specifications in terms of size and are generally made with 50mm side panels to provide adequate insulation. Other thickness specifications are also available upon request. We provide the option for glass windows or doors; all dependent on the customer’s ideal requirements. This will ultimately depend on what you intend to use the prefabricated utility room for.
Our prefabricated utility room side panels can be built in any Colourbond colour with matching trim. Doors added to the panels, are usually designed to be flush with the 50 mm side panels.
Calroy’s utility rooms can be built as self-contained boxes on a skid base (demountable and movable) or installed permanently onsite, on top of a concrete slab. Our utility rooms are adaptable, and are suitable for outside conditions, under cover, or inside sheds.
Panel flooring is available as an option, however the utility room can be built directly onto a concrete slab.